Weight Loss Team

How to prevent my stomach from stretching after Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Apr 23, 2019 @ 11:04 AM — by Juan Hidalgo
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Gastric Sleeve Surgery involves a removal of a portion of the stomach, between 70 to 80 percent, leaving less room for food, so, this surgery helps make the patient feel full faster and eat less, while successfully being able to complete a healthy low fat and sugar diet.  The true benefit to the gastric sleeve surgery is the removal of the gastric fundus, or the area of the stomach where the hunger hormone is created, this hormone is known as grehlin. The gastric sleeve surgery will shrink the size of your stomach, so many patients worry after surgery whether or not their stomach would stretch out after gastric sleeve surgery.

The fact is that your stomach prior to surgery has already stretched out by what you have eaten when you gained all your weight.  Remember, you could eat a large amount of food before the operation, this was because the stomach is a muscle and had stretched out due to your eating habits. Therefore, Gastric Sleeve surgery results in a drastic stomach reduction that can be as high as 80%. Due to that reduction of the size of your stomach, and the fact that the doctor removes the grehlin hormone, your brain will tell your body that you are full that much quicker than before the surgery, but if you continue to eat more than your stomach can hold, your stomach may begin to stretch out, and though it will never get back to its original size, it may become large enough where you may see a weight regain.  This is especially the case when your doctor does not hand stitch over the staple line during your gastric sleeve surgery.  Dr. Hidalgo in Puerto Vallarta at Weight Loss Team http://www.weightlossteam.com always hand stitches over the staple line for every gastric sleeve surgery.  He calls this technique the double buttress technique and it is proven to help prevent the stomach from stretching out after the gastric sleeve surgery.  It also helps reduce the chance of leaks and postop complications.

Here we give you some eating tips that will help prevent and limit stomach stretching

Stretching out the stomach is a possibility after Gastric Sleeve Surgery even when the surgery is highly effective. The inner walls of the stomach are made of tissues called Rugae that expand and contract as a response to food entering and going out of the stomach. So, patients must be committed to the recommended specific diet from their doctor, as well as to their exercise plan and lifestyle good habits.


Of course, Weight Loss Team, and its staff of experts will be more than ready to guide you and help you through your weight loss journey after Gastric Sleeve Surgery. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us

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