Weight Loss Team

Vanessa, A Gastric Sleeve Success Story

Apr 26, 2019 @ 12:23 PM — by Gerald Witt
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Vanessa, a Gastric Sleeve Success Story - Weight Loss Team and Dr. Hidalgo Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Vanessa Araiza, a 22 years old female, had always struggled with her weight. She began gaining more weight when she was back in high school. She worried about her weight all the time, she tried most popular diets but she just could not lose enough weight and nothing seemed to work for her long-term. Even more, she was afraid of the risks of having diabetes or any other affection in her health. She also knew that she was young and wanted to get out and do many things that she just felt she could not do, but she also had low self-esteem and never felt motivated because of the way she felt that she looked and felt on the inside.  As such, she needed to make a decision that would change her life forever.

At barely 5 feet tall, this young lady originally weighed 196 pounds. Vanessa saw the work that Dr. Hidalgo was performing in Puerto Vallarta and heard great things about his bariatric practice, Weight Loss Team.  She saw other people that she knew have weight loss surgery in Puerto Vallarta Mexico with Dr. Hidalgo and saw many success stories from people that she knew.  Also, she began working with Dr. Hidalgo and Weight Loss Team when they were doing a video testimonial about another patient that weighed over 440 pounds and she was able to transcribe and put to video the success of that patient as well.  However, as with any normal patient, she was nervous to have surgery, but deep down knew it was the best decision for her health and her life. Dr. Hidalgo and his team of specialists helped her and support her get ready for her Bariatric surgery procedure both medically and psychologically.

Vanessa had her Gastric Sleeve Surgery on April 20th 2018. In one year since the surgery, Vanessa has lost 64 pounds, getting her down all the way to only 11 pounds from her goal weight. She feels great, loves her new life and her healthy new body. Her self esteem has skyrocketed, and now she can wear clothes that she dreamed about using before surgery and she now has more energy to do many things with her friends such as exercising daily and living a healthy physically active lifestyle.

The Weight Loss Journey has not been easy for Vanessa at all; however, she knows that to have success, it has been very important to be committed to the recommended specific and restricted diet, exercise plan and lifestyle good habits.  She understands that surgery is just a tool for weight loss success and that after surgery she underwent a strict diet to achieve her success, but the Gastric Sleeve Surgery helped her succeed when other diets in the past have led to failure.

You too can have a similar success story all you need to do is choose to have the surgery and follow what your doctor asks of you!


Of course, Weight Loss Team, and its staff of experts will be more than ready to guide you and help you to decide which Bariatric surgery will be best for you.  If you are in the need for a revision surgery, they may as well discuss those options that you may have available to you if you are not satisfied with your weight loss situation. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.

For more information:

Email us at:  info@weightlossteam.com

Or visit the website:  http//www.weightlossteam.com/

Telephone: Toll free  1(800) 404-9064 or +1(818) 949-6911