Weight Loss Team

Emotional benefits from Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Mar 14, 2020 @ 10:42 AM — by Juan Hidalgo
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Gastric Sleeve Surgery is an effective weight loss procedure for obese people trying to achieve substantial weight loss, improving other diseases related to their obesity such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke or even cancer. In addition to improvements in health and longevity, Gastric Sleeve Surgery improves the overall quality of life, giving the patient lots of emotional benefits.

These are some of the quality of life measures that are positively affected by Gastric Sleeve Surgery:

Gastric Sleeve patients are typically lose an average of 100 pounds or more which allows them to be, more active, energetic and with great attitudes.  Many of these patients that in the past had to take lots of medication, after Gastric Sleeve Surgery, typically take significantly less medications to treat their obesity comorbidities, including diabetes, asthma, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea. These patients will be healthier and full of life and energy to do many things they could not do before surgery because of being overweight.

It is certain that the weight loss journey is not easy after the surgery, Gastric Sleeve Surgery patients must be committed to all their new lifestyle changes to succeed. However, as Gastric Sleeve is a procedure that helps the patient gain health, the patient's best effort makes it worth it!  The decision to have Gastric Sleeve surgery is more than having a slimmer shape or a new wardrobe; this surgery can definitely change a person’s life for better physically and emotionally.

People who undergo Gastric Sleeve Surgery anticipate positive changes in their lives, many of them have a higher chance of starting a new relationship, rekindle old ones or even get married. Relationships change in many ways, as patients change, most patients are not the same after Gastric Sleeve Surgery.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery is probably one of the most profound changes in a patient’s life. Obviously a challenging daily adjustment in the patients habits in general is required. Post-surgery with weight loss a gastric sleeve patient will even see that people treat them differently from when they were fat.  Family and friends’ support is very important through the weight loss journey so that the patient is emotionally balanced. As such, patients must take the decision to have surgery seriously so that they respect and motivate themselves in every step of the process.


Of course, Weight Loss Team, and its staff of experts will be more than ready to guide you through your weight loss journey before and after having your Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico as well any other revision surgery options you may need if you are not satisfied with your weight loss results. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.

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