Weight Loss Team

How to prepare for a Gastric Sleeve Surgery

May 22, 2020 @ 10:54 AM — by Juan Hidalgo
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Many people decide to have gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico each year, and more do the same all over the world including the United States and Canada.  Many people who have already made the decision to get their health back and change their lives need to prepare for their gastric sleeve surgery.  Here we will show you what needs to be done to prepare for and commit to having a successful gastric sleeve surgery.

In order to be successful at losing weight and keeping it off, the patient must first learn how to modify their eating behaviors permanently. The main goal of this step is to help patients change their eating habits in order to promote weight loss and maintenance.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery is not a cure to morbid obesity, it is a tool that when used properly is part of the treatment for obesity. The first step of this treatment is the Preop Diet which in addition to the Postop Diet are what will determine the patient’s ability to control their weight for the rest of their process.

Before having the Gastric Sleeve Surgery, it is essential that the patient follows a strict calorie-controlled diet. This is because, it is very important to reduce the size of their liver and at the same time, to reduce the risk of complications associated with the procedure, while slowly training them on what they can and cannot eat after surgery.

This Preop Diet is different than any other diet a patient may have followed in the past. A patient is expected to consume low-fat protein pre-op for between 2 and 6 weeks, but never less than 2 weeks before surgery. Ideally a patient should start the diet as soon as he or she has made a decision to have the Gastric Sleeve Surgery, the longer you follow the preop diet the better prepared you will be for surgery and what is to come beyond the surgery.

Patients must follow these steps:

  1. Include 3 main normal-sized meals and 2 or 3 small snacks.
  2. Every meal should include some kind of low-fat protein
  3. The snack rule requires a combination of at least 2 ingredients: some kind of low-sugar fruit (or a 
combination of different types of fruit that are low in sugar) and protein (or a combination of 2-3 kinds of protein). Make sure your snack includes approximately 50% fruit and 50% protein. Avoid certain types of fruit that are high in sugar, for example bananas, grapes, mangos, etc.
  4. Include all kinds of green vegetables as part of your main meals. Avoid carbohydrates of all kinds, starches, and fried foods like French fries, potato chips, chicken wings, etc. Give preference to healthy cooking with little oil (olive, coconut, walnut, and avocado oil). 

  5. Use “The Rule of a Palm”: your main meal protein should always fit in your palm. The amount of protein will differ depending on the size of every person`s palm, thus the taller you are the more protein you will consume.
  6. Avoid sodas including diet, any kind of refined carbs (rice, pasta, any kind of bread), and sugars, coffee, smoothies, and alcohol.

During the last 3 days before your surgery (not including the day of surgery) it is suggested that you follow a full liquid diet. Meals should include Greek yogurt, protein shakes with low or “0” carbs and low or “0” sugar, chicken/beef/fish/vegetable broth, and plenty of water or herbal/fruit tea without sugar, coconut water and other sugar-free fluids are recommended.


Of course, Weight Loss Team, and its staff of experts will be more than ready to guide you through your weight loss journey before and after having your Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico as well any other revision surgery options you may need if you are not satisfied with your current weight loss results. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.

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