Weight Loss Team

Who is a good candidate for Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Jan 11, 2021 @ 12:42 PM — by Gerald Witt
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Gastric Sleeve Surgery is nowadays accepted as a reliable treatment for morbid obesity. It is also known as a powerful weight-loss tool, in addition to the patient’s effort, to lose weight and keep off any extra weight. The gastric sleeve procedure offers a lasting solution to effective weight loss by removing between 60 % and 80% portion of the patient's stomach, leaving behind a small sleeve or banana-shaped stomach and thus making changes to the patient’s stomach and digestive system that limit how much food they can eat and how many nutrients they absorb, leading to successful weight loss. However, Gastric Sleeve Surgery is not for everyone; overweight patients must learn about the benefits and side effects before making a decision to have gastric sleeve surgery.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery has been gaining popularity over the years, and for the right candidates, it is a powerful tool to help with the patient’s weight loss journey. Gastric Sleeve is a big step for substantial weight loss and life changes. So, how do patients know if they are good candidates?  Dr. Juan F. Hidalgo who operates out of his bariatric practice Weight Loss Team in Puerto Vallarta Mexico provides a few key points to consider when trying to see if you are a good candidate for surgery:

These aspects can help to ensure that the surgery, recovery, and lifestyle change will be a success. So, if the information above applies to you, then you may be a good candidate for Gastric Sleeve Surgery. It is important to have a consultation with your surgeon to confirm when you are ready.

If the answer of being a good candidate for Gastric Sleeve is positive, Dr. Hidalgo and his talented Weight Loss Team in Puerto Vallarta Mexico offer a variety of helpful resources to assist you in your weight loss journey, in addition to a proper diet plan pre-and post-Gastric Sleeve Surgery which is the key to an optimal patient outcome.

Gastric Sleeve Patients, would enjoy a better quality of life, increasing their flexibility and mobility, their confidence and self-esteem, better health overall, and improved sleep patterns. Motivation and commitment are the keys to success.

For more information regarding Clinics/ Hospitals and Weight Loss Options mentioned in this article:

Weight Loss Team – Bariatric Clinic of Dr. Juan F. Hidalgo

Website: www.weightlossteam.com/

Email: info@weightlossteam.com

Telephone: Toll free 1(800) 404-9064 or + 1(818) 949-6911