Weight Loss Team

How the Gastric Bypass Surgery Will Help Me Lose Weight

Apr 21, 2023 @ 05:26 PM — by Gerald Witt
Tagged with: Gastric Bypass Rny Gastric Bypass Puerto Vallarta

Gastric bypass surgery involves making a pouch out of the stomach and rearranging the small intestine to connect both thus helping the patient lose weight through malabsorption. This helps change the way you digest and absorb food, offering multiple advantages for weight loss. Gastric bypass surgery promises to help reduce excess body weight and ultimately give you a healthier life.

Are you interested in knowing more about gastric bypass surgery amid the significant hype it has gained over time? This article is your ultimate guide! Let’s dive in to begin the journey of exploration!

What to Expect from Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Gastric bypass surgery, also known as a roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB), is an innovative surgical technique developed by the doctors of the mid 20th century. The main purpose of this bariatric surgery was to come up with an ultimate cure for obesity. Though this surgery isn’t exactly a cure for obesity, it's an alternative treatment to cut off significant excess weight and a wonderful tool when used in conjunction with diet and exercise to help obese people reach their ideal weights.

Gastric bypass surgery involves dividing the stomach into a pouch that holds food, indirectly limiting the portion size a patient can feast on in one sitting. The second part of the bypass includes the removal of about 1.5 meters of the small intestine and then connecting the remainder to the pouch that was created.  The removal of the small intestine triggers malabsorption where the body does not absorb the calories from the food that is eaten thus causing rapid weight loss.

How Much Weight Can You Lose After Gastric Bypass Surgery?

If you plan to go for gastric bypass surgery, the first question that pops into your mind must be, how much weight can I expect to lose after the surgery? Most patients typically can lose around 80% to 90% of your excess body weight within a year after the surgery.

For instance, a patient weighing 400 pounds may have a goal to reduce their weight by about 180-200 pounds; as such they must lose about 200 pounds of excessive weight and can expect to lose about 170 pounds in the first year after surgery, with significant weight loss in the first few months.   On average most patients will lose between 15-20 pounds a month with the Gastric Bypass Surgery.

A lot of people who are considering gastric bypass surgery wonder if the patient will continue to lose weight their entire life after the surgery? If that were the case, the surgery could become life-threatening over time. Weight loss stops between 18 and 36 months after surgery. The body also recognizes its bmi and ideal weight and will shut down weight loss when needed.  That said, some patients observe weight loss plateaus earlier, owing to their old bad habits, not eating what the doctor advises and with a lack of exercise.

Can You Calculate Your Expected Weight Loss After Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Following the guide mentioned below, you can estimate the expected weight loss.

Determine Your Ideal Weight

There are multiple ways to determine your ideal weight. You can use weight calculators available online for this purpose.  Visit Weight Loss Team’s website and calculate your BMI with their calculator.  Weight Loss Team is one of Mexico’s leading Bariatric Surgery Centers based in Puerto Vallarta Mexico.  Their website is www.weightlossteam.com

Evaluate How Much Excess Weight You Wish to Lose

As explained earlier: Excess Weight = Current Weight – Ideal Weight

Calculate Expected Weight Loss

The next step is to determine the expected weight loss, which can be done by the formula: Expected Weight Loss = Excess Weight x .85.

Calculate Your New Weight

Finally, when it comes time to calculate your new weight. You can use the formula: New Weight After Surgery = Current Weight – Expected Weight Loss.

Why do Some People observe Weight Loss Plateaus after Gastric Bypass Surgery?

The following are a few reasons why some people observe weight loss plateaus. Let’s give them a quick read!

Lack of Proper Exercise

If you think surgery will help you lose weight without exercising, you have misinterpreted things. Though it’s unnecessary to exercise with gastric bypass surgery, exercise has been shown to assist in weight loss. It also assists in replacing behavior for maladaptive eating behaviors. Exercise leads to successful weight loss!

Food Addiction

Obesity can lead to patients suffering from food addiction. Moreover, it can also result in tempting them toward maladaptive binge eating. To eliminate the risk of food addiction, patients are asked to get mental health counseling before and after the surgery. This will help them be prepared for dealing with food addictions.  Sugar is one of the key addiction triggers and gastric bypass surgery helps the patients eliminate sugars from their diet making the diet easier and weight loss more successful.

What to Do If You Are Unsatisfied with the Surgery Results?

If you have had a Bypass surgery in the past, and have strayed from your healthy living lifestyle, some patients may regain weight after gastric bypass surgery.  Remember these surgeries are tools not magic pills.  If you don’t have the success you want, you may consider a gastric bypass revision surgery. Bypass revision surgeries don’t have the same results as the first surgery, but they can help a patient get back on track or even find and fix problems that were left behind from the patients first surgery.  However, before taking any steps, consult a reliable bariatric surgeon and discuss the possible options.

Weight Loss Team – The Most Reliable Bariatric Surgery Center to Get Your Gastric Bypass Surgery Done

If you are looking to get gastric bypass surgery in Mexico, be sure to check out Weight Loss Team! Located in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, these guys offer an array of treatments, including gastric bypass surgery. Dr. Jorge Arturo Parra and Dr. Kurt Kasten preside over their well-trained team, featuring some of Mexico’s most highly educated and trained bariatric professionals and surgeons.  Weight Loss Team operates out of the CMQ Riviera Nayarit Hospital in Puerto Vallarta, and the hospital is also one of the nicest, modern state of the art hospitals in all of Mexico featuring bilingual nurses, and patient-care professionals.

They are the only Bariatric Surgery Center in Puerto Vallarta that offers a surgeon with a master’s degree in Bariatric Surgery received from the prestigious University Autonoma in Barcelona, Spain and an Internal Medicine Director with a Masters's Degree from University College in London, England.   

To get your gastric bypass surgery in Mexico done by the Weight Loss Team, you will start by filling out a comprehensive medical history that is reviewed by their Anesthesiologist and Bariatric Surgical Team. During the review, they will do their best to ensure whether you are a candidate for bypass surgery in Mexico or another surgery option that may be better for your weight loss needs. After that, you will proceed schedule your surgery, book your flights, and then start your weight loss journey in Puerto Vallarta Mexico.

Throughout the entire journey, Weight Loss Team will guide you on every aspect, helping you achieve your dream of a healthy future lifestyle. Check out their website to learn more about their team, treatments, and services. www.weightlossteam.com

Wrapping It Up!

Gastric bypass surgery offers a tool that when combined with weight loss exercises allows you to get rid of the excess weight you are carrying. Gastric Bypass is the gold standard for weight loss surgery and if you follow your doctors’ instructions, you can observe rapid weight loss in a healthy environment.

There is a lot of information described above about the weight loss journey with regards to the gastric bypass surgery. We truly hope you find this brief yet comprehensive article helpful. Stay tuned for more info relevant to weight loss treatments and more. Be sure to contact Weight Loss Team if you wish to undergo gastric bypass surgery in Mexico, you won’t be disappointed.