Where do you do the weight loss surgery?
The Bariatric Surgeons at Weight Loss Team operate in Puerto Vallarta Jalisco Mexico at the CMQ Family of Hospital, one of Mexico's leading and most advanced hospitals. None of the bariatric surgeons practice in the United States and they are all solely licensed in Mexico as a surgeon. Weight Loss Team is the Bariatric Surgical Center at the CMQ Family of Hospital one of the finest State of the Art Hospital’s in Puerto Vallarta Mexico.
How long does it take to perform the operation?
The Laparoscopic Gastric Sleeve Surgery takes less than 45 minutes while the Gastric Bypass and revisions usually takes between 2 and 4 hours, depending on the surgery and complications. The Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery in Mexico, takes about less than 2 hours.
Can I shower after surgery?
Yes, you should shower after weight loss surgery in Mexico. The reason for not showering after surgery is fear that infection will be introduced into the wound. However nearly all wound infections come from bacteria present at the time of surgery and the incision itself is sealed within hours after surgery. It is probably even safe to get the intravenous site wet so long as it is re-prepped and dressed after the shower.
Are staples used during surgery and, if so, how?
Surgeons use staples much as they use stitches, to hold tissues together. Most abdominal surgery today makes use of both stitches and staples and the choice of which to use has more to do with the surgeon’s personal preference than anything else.
What type of previous surgeries would prevent me from having laparoscopic surgery?
All previous abdominal operations make abdominal laparoscopic surgery more difficult but most do not force us to make an incision. A few, mostly those on the upper stomach like previous weight loss operations, make laparoscopic surgery so difficult that usually we find it is safer to make and incision in order to do the surgery.
What is the significance of the drainage tube?
With regards to the drain: The amount of drainage is not of much significance. If the drainage begins to look like oral intake that is of concern and should be confirmed by drinking something blue or purple (food coloring or grape juice) and seeing if the color appears in the drainage. If it does it should occasion a call to the physician. Drainage or wetness outside and around the drain tubing is usual and does not signify that anything is wrong, in particular it is not a sign of infection. Redness extending more than two inches from the drain site should be seen by the surgeon. The drain is protection against a wound infection at the drain site and against the life threatening consequences of a leak. Leaks are very rare after two weeks. Removal of the drain before two weeks after surgery entails some extra risk. Patients who want the drain removed early should consider the risk. About 2% of patients will develop a leak. It is ok to shower and get incision sites or drain sites wet and soapy after surgery. The area should be dried off afterwards and dressed if wetness at the site might stain clothing. A temperature greater than 101 degrees is reason to call the doctor. Lower temperatures are not usually of much significance. Patients often complain that the drain site hurts and that relates to two considerations: First, the drain is brought out the largest and therefore the most tender port site. Second, the drain is sutured to the skin so that it will not be accidentally pulled out and if it is not taped so that pulling on the drain does not pull on the suture a good deal of discomfort can result from normal activity.
How is laparoscopic gastric bypass different than open gastric bypass?
Laparoscopic gastric bypass is accomplished with 5 small incisions rather than one long incision. A camera is placed through one of the incisions and long instruments through the others. The operation is performed while watching a video screen. The actual operation on the stomach and intestine is the same with both approaches. The gastric bypass open incision is approximately 3/4 of the distance from the breastbone to the belly button. That is about 4-5 inches in some people and as much as 15 inches in others.
Is laparoscopic gastric bypass safe?
Many studies done by experienced laparoscopic bariatric surgeons have demonstrated laparoscopic gastric bypass to be safe. Laparoscopic gastric bypass is technically demanding and studies show that the amount of experience a surgeon has contributes to safety.
How does laparoscopic gastric bypass compare to open gastric bypass?
Laparoscopic gastric bypass results in a shorter hospital stay, less pain, less scarring, and a quicker return to usual activities. Complications such as wound infections and wound hernias are nearly eliminated with the laparoscopic approach. The risk for serious complications (such as leak) is similar with both laparoscopic and open gastric bypass.
Why aren’t all gastric bypasses done laparoscopically?
Laparoscopic gastric bypass is a difficult operation to learn to do safely. It also takes longer and is more expensive. The result is that most gastric bypasses in the United States are done open at this time. For most patients laparoscopic surgery is better (less pain, shorter hospital stay, less scarring, quicker return to usual activities). As more surgeons learn to do laparoscopic gastric bypass safely and patients demand it, more laparoscopic gastric bypasses will be done.
How long will I be in the hospital? How long does it take to recuperate?
For Gastric Sleeve and Mini Bypass Patients, typically you will stay 1 night in the hospital and 1 night recovery postop at the hotel. For the Gastric Bypass surgery patients will stay 2 nights in the hospital and 2 nights postop for recovery. We have special packages and pricing at The Fiesta Inn here in Puerto Vallarta for our patients.