Weight Loss Team

Changing old bad habits is the key to Weight Loss Surgery success

Sep 22, 2020 @ 01:45 PM — by Gerald Witt
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Weight Loss Surgery like gastric bypass or gastric sleeve surgery has a great impact on an obese person’s life in many different ways. That is why it is very important that patients examine their old habits that really need to be  changed after surgery.  The reason for this is changing your old bad habits is the key to weight loss surgery success.

Committing to a post weight loss surgery diet and making lifestyle changes requires many interpersonal adjustments for the individual patient and sometimes even their families.  The patient must change how he or she thinks about him/herself. Some patients gain much more confidence as they successfully change their lifestyle and manage their weight. Mental health can be an important part of a postoperative healthy life.

Embracing a new life by breaking all those old bad habits is ultimately in each patient’s hands. As such, they must first understand what the surgeon means with ‘lifestyle change’ to get the key to weight loss surgery success and follow all those winning tips and strategies they will need.

Changing old bad habits and getting new ones means the following:


Patients who have had surgery with Dr. Hidalgo in Puerto Vallarta at his bariatric clinic Weight Loss Team know that for long-term success after Weight Loss Surgery the key is the Patient`s commitment to change their old bad habits.  Each patient is educated on this process, and Weight Loss Team tries it best to produce patients that have complete success with their weight loss surgery and the weight loss journey that follows.  Weight Loss Surgery can get patients on the path to good health when other efforts have failed; however, it is not a magical solution, it needs patients to complete behavioral changes and an overachieving attitude. After a weight loss procedure, patient’s life success will be their daily changes which must be permanent.


For more information regarding Clinics/ Hospitals and Weight Loss Options mentioned in this article:

Weight Loss Team – Bariatric Clinic of Dr. Juan F. Hidalgo

Website: www.weightlossteam.com/

Email: info@weightlossteam.com

Telephone: Toll free 1(800) 404-9064 or + 1(818) 949-6911